Cast of Characters


Peter Vogel is a lawyer at Gardere and receiver over Jeff Baron's property and person.  Vogel has a very long, extensive history with Jeff, dating back to 2001 when Jeff disclosed confidential information to Vogel in anticipation of hiring him (see Motion for Reconsideration).  Based on the same type of information that Jeff gave to Vogel in confidence, Vogel’s firm then sued Jeff multiple times in the ensuring years.   Then, Vogel was appointed a “special master” judge in the Netsphere/Baron case; later, he was later appointed “mediator in the same dispute. And now, Vogel has been appointed receiver over Jeff.  

Vogel and his firm have been taken well over a million dollars from Jeff’s money and paid themselves over Jeff’s objections. Taking advantage of the fact that Jeff is stripped of his civil rights and of his ability to hire appropriate lawyers to defend himself, Vogel and his “team” of lawyers have aggressively bullied, harassed and persecuted Jeff, repeatedly threatening him with contempt, jail.  Vogel has also demanded and received Jeff’s attorney-client privileged files and communications with his lawyers and has enticed numerous lawyers that were representing Jeff to cease representing Jeff and to work for him, by offering them exorbitant  payments from Jeff’s money. These lawyers, who represented Jeff prior to the receivership, are now employed by Vogel and are adverse to Jeff, taking Jeff’s money against his will. For more information regarding Peter Vogel, click here .

Munish Krishan is the president of Netsphere, Inc., a company whose primary business, prior to meeting Jeff, was a pornography business,  Mr. Krishan is a felon (case number 93C22037901-Illinois) and has a string of felony indictments Click Here for Criminal Documents.

Mr. John MacPete is Mr. Krishan's lawyer, and a partner at Locke Lord, Bissell and Liddell .   Mr. MacPete's sordid history includes representing clients such as the infamous Mongols motorcycle gang.   Although never convicted of a felony, himself, Mr. MacPete has been the subject of multiple criminal investigations Click Here for Evidence. In 2006, Mr. MacPete was investigated for sexually molesting a six year old child. When a psychologist that cared for the child observed evidence that Mr. MacPete had raped the child, the psychologist alerted the authorities.  Mr. MacPete then sued the psychologist but lost the case.

Raymond  J. Urbanik is a lawyer at Munsh Hardt, Kopf and Harr PC, a law firm of more than 100 lawyers.   Mr. Urbanik has been shown to have misrepresented material facts in obtaining the ex-parte receivership against Jeff Baron. He has also taken roughly $1 million dollars from a small company that consisted of a single employee.

James Eckles Former lawyer of Jeff's turned co-conspirator.  Eckels is the full-time general counsel of CI Host where he works under Chris Faulkner.  Is CI Host (AKA Casopia Intenet Corporation) also involved in the scheme to defraud Jeff.  Peter Vogel hired Eckles, paying him tens of thousands of dollars and multiples of his regular billing rate to essentially be a "straw man", participating in and covering up the crimes agains his former clients.

Elizabeth Schurig Former lawyer of Jeff's turned co-conspirator.  Schurig took over $ 2 million that turned up "missing".

Damon Nelson is the sole “business” person appointed by Judge Furgeson and Peter Vogel to operate the businesses (he is also hired by Sherman to "operate" Ondova).  Nelson’s claim to fame was operating an infamous outfit called Hilton Head Properties, the subject of criminal investigations by the Dallas District Attorney and numerous media.  One of Nelson’s main roles was to establish a sophisticated array of shell companies to conceal the nature of the allegedly illegal operations. Nelson was involved in allegedly scamming “dozens” of unsuspecting homeowners out of their life savings by “selling” them homes that Nelson’s company had no authority to sell.  When the true owners of these homes discovered the alleged fraud, Nelson’s “buyers” got kicked out on the street.  Nelson’s Hilton Head cohort is Douglas Fonteno a/k/a Chase Fonteno a/k/a The Real Estate Cat Burglar.  Fonteno is a convicted felon for securities fraud who, according to his own website, “steals” homes “legally”, although it is uncertain whether Nelson has been convicted.  

Using Jeff’s money, Judge Furgeson and Vogel are paying Nelson the astonishing amount of $18,000 per month, essentially to engage in alleged unlawful trademark infringement, ruin the businesses, and lie under oath to support Vogel’s unlawful receivership against Jeff.

Scott Rothstein is lawyer serving a 50 year sentence in federal prison for operating a Ponzi scheme and bilking his clients of over $1 billion. Rothsteins’s law firm and law partner Denis Kleinfeld , who also served as “trustee” for Jeff’s companies, taking hundreds of thousands of dollars. Kleinfeld has not been convicted, but over 50 of his former beneficiaries accused him of defrauding them of $11 million


Click Here to view a diagram of some of the participants and whose hands the money wound up in.


How can they get so many Criminal Attorneys and Judges together in one county?


Mr. Baron, please read "Amicus Curiæ Information Regarding Judge W. Royal Furgeson, Jr.," (Document 198, filed February 2, 2012 in MDL 2119, regarding NDTX Civil Action No. 3:11-02733) on PACER or The information provided to the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML), where Furgeson is a member, was discovered in an extensive investigation into the reasons for Furgeson's irrational rulings that aided and abetted former Northern District judge, Joe Kendall, in a similar theft of $6 million in stock of Fossil, Inc. for "court-appointed" attorneys in a court-ordered "settlement" of a frivolous derivative action purportedly on behalf of Fossil shareholders and against Fossil's directors. (See "Statement of Objection and Grounds for Objection," Document 202, filed June 15, 2011 in NDTX 3:06-cv-01672-F, available on PACER).


Furgeson's aiding and abetting "court-appointed" lawyers who are his friends and family members in these thefts shows a clear pattern of judicial misconduct that should be reported to the Judicial Council of the Fifth Circuit. An example of a successful complaint that resulted in the impeachment of G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. last January is available at General information on Judicial Misconduct Rules are available at


Civil RICO or 42 USC 1983 actions against the attorneys who were unjustly enriched by unconscionable or unearned fees through these scams may also be needed, however these need to be removed for obvious reasons from the Northern District of Texas and possibly from the Fifth Circuit altogether.


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