Receivership Ruling Is "Reversed", Restoring (some) Civil Rights

The Court of Appeals has ruled that the receivership over Jeff was “abuse of (the judge’s) discretion”.

The ruling “reverses” the receivership that has left Jeff without his civil rights and assets for over two years. According to the ruling, Jeff’s freedom to travel, to enter into transactions and to own possessions will "soon" be restored, although he is left penniless. Presumably, his right to hire a lawyer will also be restored, but does not seem to be left with any money to do that. The diabetes research trust that Jeff founded also appears to be left without any funds.

The ruling, which can be found here, contains a dozen or so pages of “facts” that are mostly inaccurate, alleging that Jeff “fired lawyers”, interfered with the legal system, tried to move assets offshore, etc…. (The full opinion can be found on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals website). On the same day that the ruling was made, a group of the lawyers who placed Jeff into the receivership and were been paid approximately $7 million of Jeff’s money demanded the court place Jeff in “involuntary bankruptcy” with judge Stacey Jernigan. The lawyers now call themselves “creditors” (To be placed into an involuntary bankruptcy, there must be creditors) and claim that Jeff must be placed into bankruptcy so that they can be paid more money.

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