Judges' Marshalls Deployed to Intimidate Jeff's Family and Friends

As reported at SCJustice.com, the Judges "deployed nearly a dozen U.S. Marshals to barge into the homes of Mr. Barons' friends, family and acquaintances, intimidating, harassing anyone associated with Mr. Baron. Unbelievably, the Marshals, controlled by these judges, were instructed to defame Mr. Baron by making various allegations to Mr. Baron's acquaintances and neighbors. "These are the the most ludicrous allegations I have heard of and clearly retaliation for Mr. Baron's whistle blowing" says SCJustice.com.

Despite the abuse he has received, Jeff, a slightly built, mild mannered, computer geek with severe health problems seems as likely to make a threat of violence as Mother Teresa. One of Jeff's acquaintances, John Margetis, recorded the the Marshals' shake down in the Margetis' home, during a tense encounter between himself, his 81 year old mother and the U.S. Marshals. To listen to this tense encounter, Click Here.

Note: the male voice during the beginning of the audio clip is John Margetis.  The female voice throughout the clip and the male voice during the middle of the clip are U.S. Marshals.  The mature, aged female voice is Mickey Margetis. 

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